JS API网页支付参数
支付授权目录: https://www.gouwanmei.wang/payment/wechat/ 和 https://www.gouwanmei.wang/app/
支付请求实例: https://www.gouwanmei.wang/payment/wechat/pay.php
对应php文件 /addons/ewei_shopv2/core/mobile/order/pay.php
包含的模板文件 /addons/ewei_shopv2/template/mobile/default/order/pay.html
{if $credit['success']} <div class='fui-list pay-btn' data-type='credit'> <div class='fui-list-media'> <!--<i class='icon icon-money credit'></i>--> <img src="{EWEI_SHOPV2_STATIC}images/ye.png" alt=""> </div> <div class='fui-list-inner'> <div class="title">{$_W['shopset']['trade']['moneytext']}支付</div> <div class="subtitle c999 f24">当前{$_W['shopset']['trade']['moneytext']}: <span class='text-danger'>¥{php echo number_format($member['credit2'],2)}</span> </div> </div> <div class='fui-list-angle'> <span class="angle"> </span> </div> </div> {/if} |
1002行,执行成功返回json数据{"status":1,"result":{"result":true,"url":"https:\/\/www.gouwanmei.wang\/app\/index.php?i=2&c=entry&m=ewei_shopv2&do=mobile&r=order.pay&id=322"}} if( $_W["ispost"] ) { show_json(1, array( "result" => $pay_result )); } else { header("location:" . mobileUrl("order/pay/success", array( "id" => $order["id"], "result" => $pay_result ))); // 等同于支付成功页面https://www.gouwanmei.wang/app/index.php?i=2&c=entry&m=ewei_shopv2&do=mobile&r=order.pay.success&id=324&result=true } |
define(['core', 'tpl'], function(core, tpl) { var modal = { params: {} }; modal.init = function(params) { var defaults = { orderid: 0, wechat: { success: false }, cash: { success: false }, alipay: { success: false }, }; modal.params = $.extend(defaults, params || {}); //绑定各个支付按钮的事件 $('.pay-btn').unbind('click').click(function() { var btn = $(this); core.json('order/pay/check', { id: modal.params.orderid }, function(pay_json) { if (pay_json.status == 1) { modal.pay(btn) //调用支付事件 } else { FoxUI.toast.show(pay_json.result.message) } }, false, true) }); if (modal.params.wechat.jie == 1) { $('.pay-btn[data-type="wechat"]').click() } }; //支付事件 modal.pay = function(btn) { var type = btn.data('type') || ''; //如支付宝div data-type='alipay' if (type == '') { return } if (btn.attr('stop')) { return } btn.attr('stop', 1); if (type == 'wechat') { //微信支付 if (core.ish5app()) { //如果是h5打包app appPay('wechat', null, null, true); return } modal.payWechat(btn) //微信支付 } else if (type == 'alipay') { // 支付宝支付 if (core.ish5app()) { appPay('alipay', null, null, true); return } modal.payAlipay(btn) } else if (type == 'credit') { //余额支付 FoxUI.confirm('确认要支付吗?', '提醒', function() { modal.complete(btn, type) }, function() { btn.removeAttr('stop') }) } else if (type == 'peerpay') { //货到付款 直接跳转到支付成功页面 location.href = core.getUrl('order/pay/peerpay', { id: modal.params.orderid }); return } else { modal.complete(btn, type) } }; modal.payWechat = function(btn) { //拉起微信支付 var wechat = modal.params.wechat; if (!wechat.success) { return } if (wechat.weixin) { function onBridgeReady() { WeixinJSBridge.invoke('getBrandWCPayRequest', { 'appId': wechat.appid ? wechat.appid: wechat.appId, 'timeStamp': wechat.timeStamp, 'nonceStr': wechat.nonceStr, 'package': wechat.package, 'signType': wechat.signType, 'paySign': wechat.paySign }, function(res) { //微信成功支付处理 if (res.err_msg == 'get_brand_wcpay_request:ok') { modal.complete(btn, 'wechat') //调用支付验证 } else if (res.err_msg == 'get_brand_wcpay_request:cancel') { //取消微信支付处理 FoxUI.toast.show('取消支付') } else { //微信支付失败处理 FoxUI.toast.show(res.err_msg) } btn.removeAttr('stop') }) } if (typeof WeixinJSBridge == "undefined") { if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady, false) } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent('WeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady); document.attachEvent('onWeixinJSBridgeReady', onBridgeReady) } } else { onBridgeReady() } } if (wechat.weixin_jie || wechat.jie == 1) { modal.payWechatJie(btn, wechat) } }; modal.payWechatJie = function(btn, wechat) { var img = core.getUrl('index/qr', { url: wechat.code_url }); $('#qrmoney').text(modal.params.money); $('.order-weixinpay-hidden').show(); $('#btnWeixinJieCancel').unbind('click').click(function() { btn.removeAttr('stop'); clearInterval(settime); $('.order-weixinpay-hidden').hide() }); var settime = setInterval(function() { $.getJSON(core.getUrl('order/pay/orderstatus'), { id: modal.params.orderid }, function(data) { if (data.status >= 1) { clearInterval(settime); location.href = core.getUrl('order/pay/success', { id: modal.params.orderid }) } }) }, 1000); $('.verify-pop').find('.close').unbind('click').click(function() { $('.order-weixinpay-hidden').hide(); btn.removeAttr('stop'); clearInterval(settime) }); $('.verify-pop').find('.qrimg').attr('src', img).show() }; modal.payAlipay = function(btn) { //支付宝支付处理方法 var alipay = modal.params.alipay; if (!alipay.success) { return } location.href = core.getUrl('order/pay_alipay', { //点击支付宝跳转的url对应文件 /addons/ewei_shopv2/core/mobile/order/pay_alipay.php orderid: modal.params.orderid, type: 0, url: alipay.url }) }; modal.complete = function(btn, type) { var peerpay = $('#peerpay').text(); var peerpaymessage = $('#peerpaymessage').val(); FoxUI.loader.show('mini'); setTimeout(function() { core.json('order/pay/complete', { id: modal.params.orderid, ordersn: modal.params.ordersn, type: type, peerpay: peerpay, peerpaymessage: peerpaymessage }, function(pay_json) { if (pay_json.status == 1) { //如果支付成功,则跳转到支付成功页面 location.href = core.getUrl('order/pay/success', { id: modal.params.orderid, result: pay_json.result.result }); return } FoxUI.loader.hide(); btn.removeAttr('stop'); FoxUI.toast.show(pay_json.result.message) }, false, true) }, 1000) }; return modal }); |
class Pay_Alipay_EweiShopV2Page extends MobilePage { public function main() { global $_W; global $_GPC; $url = urldecode($_GPC["url"]); //对应上边js中的alipay.url进行url解码 if( !is_weixin() ) { //非微信环境中直接跳转到支付宝页面 header("location: " . $url); //拉起支付宝 exit(); } include($this->template("order/alipay")); } } |
var settime = setInterval(function () { //alert(url_return); //获取订单状态 $.getJSON(url, data, function (ret) { if (ret.status >=1) { clearInterval(settime); location.href = url_return; //跳转到支付成功页面 }else{ //FoxUI.toast.show(JSON.stringify(ret)); } }) }, 1000); |
当用户支付完成后,系统会调用模块中的 $this->payResult($params); 方法。
public function payResult($params) { global $_W; $fee = intval($params["fee"]); //收银台中显示需要支付的金额,只能大于 0 $data = array( "status" => ($params["result"] == "success" ? 1 : 0) ); //支付状态 $ordersn_tid = $params["tid"]; //订单编号 $ordersn = rtrim($ordersn_tid, "TR"); $order = pdo_fetch("select id,uniacid,ordersn, price,openid,dispatchtype,addressid,carrier,status,isverify,deductcredit2,`virtual`,isvirtual,couponid,isvirtualsend,isparent,paytype,merchid,agentid,createtime,buyagainprice,istrade,tradestatus,iscycelbuy from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " where ordersn=:ordersn and uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":ordersn" => $ordersn )); $plugincoupon = com("coupon"); if( $plugincoupon ) { //更新优惠券状态 $plugincoupon->useConsumeCoupon($order["id"]); } if( 1 <= $order["status"] ) { return true; } $orderid = $order["id"]; $ispeerpay = $this->checkpeerpay($orderid); //是否货到付款 if( !empty($ispeerpay) ) //使用货到付款并没有添加到数据库ewei_shop_order_peerpay_payinfo中 { $peerpay_info = (double) pdo_fetchcolumn("select SUM(price) price from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_peerpay_payinfo") . " where pid=:pid limit 1", array( ":pid" => $ispeerpay["id"] )); if( $peerpay_info < $ispeerpay["peerpay_realprice"] ) { return NULL; } pdo_update("ewei_shop_order", array( "status" => 0 ), array( "id" => $order["id"] )); $order["status"] = 0; pdo_update("ewei_shop_order_peerpay", array( "status" => 1 ), array( "id" => $ispeerpay["id"] )); $params["type"] = "peerpay"; } if( $params["from"] == "return" ) //如果是同步通知 { $seckill_result = plugin_run("seckill::setOrderPay", $order["id"]); if( $seckill_result == "refund" ) { return "seckill_refund"; } $address = false; //dispatchtype 0 商家配送 1 自提 if( empty($order["dispatchtype"]) ) { $address = pdo_fetch("select realname,mobile,address from " . tablename("ewei_shop_member_address") . " where id=:id limit 1", array( ":id" => $order["addressid"] )); } $carrier = false; if( $order["dispatchtype"] == 1 || $order["isvirtual"] == 1 ) { $carrier = unserialize($order["carrier"]); } m("verifygoods")->createverifygoods($order["id"]); if( $params["type"] == "cash" ) //现金支付 { if( $order["isparent"] == 1 ) { $change_data = array( ); $change_data["merchshow"] = 1; pdo_update("ewei_shop_order", $change_data, array( "id" => $order["id"] )); $this->setChildOrderPayResult($order, 0, 0); } return true; } // istrade v2 0 普通 1 门店预约订单 if( $order["istrade"] == 0 ) { if( $order["status"] == 0 ) { if( !empty($order["virtual"]) && com("virtual") ) { if (p('lottery') && empty($ispeerpay)) { $res = p('lottery')->getLottery($order['openid'], 1, array('money' => $order['price'], 'paytype' => 1)); if ($res) { p('lottery')->getLotteryList($order['openid'], array('lottery_id' => $res)); } } return com("virtual")->pay($order, $ispeerpay); } if( $order["isvirtualsend"] ) { if (p('lottery') && empty($ispeerpay)) { $res = p('lottery')->getLottery($order['openid'], 1, array('money' => $order['price'], 'paytype' => 1)); if ($res) { p('lottery')->getLotteryList($order['openid'], array('lottery_id' => $res)); } } return $this->payVirtualSend($order["id"], $ispeerpay); } $isonlyverifygoods = $this->checkisonlyverifygoods($order["id"]); $time = time(); $change_data = array( ); if( $isonlyverifygoods ) { $change_data["status"] = 2; } else { $change_data["status"] = 1; } $change_data["paytime"] = $time; if( $order["isparent"] == 1 ) { $change_data["merchshow"] = 1; } pdo_update("ewei_shop_order", $change_data, array( "id" => $order["id"] )); if( $order["iscycelbuy"] == 1 && p("cycelbuy") ) { p("cycelbuy")->cycelbuy_periodic($order["id"]); } if( $order["isparent"] == 1 ) { $this->setChildOrderPayResult($order, $time, 1); } $this->setStocksAndCredits($orderid, 1); if( com("coupon") ) { com("coupon")->sendcouponsbytask($order["id"]); com("coupon")->backConsumeCoupon($order["id"]); } if( $order["isparent"] == 1 ) { $child_list = $this->getChildOrder($order["id"]); foreach( $child_list as $k => $v ) { m("notice")->sendOrderMessage($v["id"]); } } else { m("notice")->sendOrderMessage($order["id"]); } if( $order["isparent"] == 1 ) { $merchSql = "SELECT id,merchid FROM " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " WHERE uniacid = " . intval($order["uniacid"]) . " AND parentid = " . intval($order["id"]); $merchData = pdo_fetchall($merchSql); foreach( $merchData as $mk => $mv ) { com_run("printer::sendOrderMessage", $mv["id"]); } } else { com_run("printer::sendOrderMessage", $order["id"]); } if( p("commission") ) //分销逻辑处理 \addons\ewei_shopv2\plugin\commission\core\model.php { //分销模型插件中的checkOrderPay p("commission")->checkOrderPay($order["id"]); } $this->afterPayResult($order, $ispeerpay); } } else { $time = time(); $change_data = array( ); $count_ordersn = $this->countOrdersn($ordersn_tid); if( $order["status"] == 0 && $count_ordersn == 1 ) { $change_data["status"] = 1; $change_data["tradestatus"] = 1; $change_data["paytime"] = $time; } else { if( $order["status"] == 1 && $order["tradestatus"] == 1 && $count_ordersn == 2 ) { $change_data["tradestatus"] = 2; $change_data["tradepaytime"] = $time; } } pdo_update("ewei_shop_order", $change_data, array( "id" => $order["id"] )); if( $order["status"] == 0 && $count_ordersn == 1 ) { m("notice")->sendOrderMessage($order["id"]); } } return true; } else { return false; } } |
public function checkOrderPay($orderid = "0") { global $_W; global $_GPC; if( empty($orderid) ) { return NULL; } // 在ims_ewei_shop_sysset获取分销相关信息 $set = $this->getSet(); if( empty($set["level"]) ) { return NULL; } //获取订单信息 $order = pdo_fetch("select id,isparent,parentid,openid,ordersn,goodsprice,agentid,paytime,uniacid from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " where id=:id and status>=1 and uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array( ":id" => $orderid, ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"] )); if( empty($order) ) { return NULL; } $openid = $order["openid"]; $member = m("member")->getMember($openid); if( empty($member) ) { return NULL; } $become_check = intval($set["become_check"]); $become_child = intval($set["become_child"]); $parent = false; if( empty($become_child) ) { //获取父级相关信息 $parent = m("member")->getMember($member["agentid"]); } else { //获取邀请人相关信息 $parent = m("member")->getMember($member["inviter"]); } // isagent是否分销商 包括已经提交分销申请的 status 状态 0 没有审核 1 已经审核 $parent_is_agent = !empty($parent) && $parent["isagent"] == 1 && $parent["status"] == 1; $time = time(); $become_child = intval($set["become_child"]); if( $parent_is_agent && $become_child == 2 && empty($member["agentid"]) && $member["id"] != $parent["id"] && empty($member["fixagentid"]) ) { //agentid 上级分销商ID $member["agentid"] = $parent["id"]; $authorid = (empty($parent["isauthor"]) ? $parent["authorid"] : $parent["id"]); $author = p("author"); if( $author ) { $author->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); pdo_update("ewei_shop_member", array( "agentid" => $parent["id"], "childtime" => $time, "authorid" => $authorid ), array( "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $member["id"] )); } else { pdo_update("ewei_shop_member", array( "agentid" => $parent["id"], "childtime" => $time ), array( "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $member["id"] )); } if( p("dividend") ) { $this->saveRelation($member["id"], $parent["id"], 1); p("dividend")->update_headsid($member["id"], $parent["id"]); } if( $author ) { $author_set = $author->getSet(); if( !empty($author_set["become"]) && ($author_set["become"] == "2" || $author_set["become"] == "5") ) { $can_author = false; $getAgentsDownNum = $this->getAgentsDownNum($parent["openid"]); if( $author_set["become"] == "2" ) { if( $author_set["become_down1"] <= $getAgentsDownNum["level1"] ) { $can_author = true; } else { if( $author_set["become_down2"] <= $getAgentsDownNum["level2"] ) { $can_author = true; } else { if( $author_set["become_down3"] <= $getAgentsDownNum["level3"] ) { $can_author = true; } } } } else { if( $author_set["become"] == "5" ) { if( $author_set["become_downcount"] <= $getAgentsDownNum["total"] ) { $can_author = true; } } else { if( $author_set["become"] == "5" ) { $temp_parent = $parent["id"]; do { $res = $author->becomeType6($temp_parent); $temp_parent = $res["agentid"]; } while( $res["agentid"] != 0 ); } } } if( $can_author ) { $become_check = intval($author_set["become_check"]); if( empty($member["authorblack"]) ) { pdo_update("ewei_shop_member", array( "authorstatus" => $become_check, "isauthor" => 1, "authortime" => $time ), array( "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $parent["id"] )); if( $become_check == 1 ) { $this->sendMessage($parent["openid"], array( "nickname" => $parent["nickname"], "authortime" => $time ), TM_AUTHOR_BECOME); } } } } } $this->sendMessage($parent["openid"], array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "childtime" => $time ), TM_COMMISSION_AGENT_NEW); $this->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); if( p("globonus") ) { p("globonus")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } if( p("abonus") ) { p("abonus")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } if( p("author") ) { p("author")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } if( empty($order["agentid"]) ) { $order["agentid"] = $parent["id"]; if( $order["isparent"] && $order["parentid"] == 0 ) { $merchSql = "SELECT id,merchid FROM " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " WHERE uniacid = " . intval($order["uniacid"]) . " AND parentid = " . intval($orderid); $merchData = pdo_fetchall($merchSql); foreach( $merchData as $mk => $mv ) { pdo_update("ewei_shop_order", array( "agentid" => $parent["id"] ), array( "id" => $mv["id"] )); } } pdo_update("ewei_shop_order", array( "agentid" => $parent["id"] ), array( "id" => $orderid )); $order_agent_id = (!empty($parent["id"]) ? $parent["id"] : NULL); //计算分销收入 写入订单表中 $this->calculate($orderid, true, $order_agent_id); } } $isagent = $member["isagent"] == 1 && $member["status"] == 1; //非分销商 if( !$isagent ) { if( intval($set["become"]) == 4 && !empty($set["become_goodsid"]) ) { if( empty($set["become_order"]) ) { $order_goods = pdo_fetchall("select goodsid from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_goods") . " where orderid=:orderid and uniacid=:uniacid ", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":orderid" => $order["id"] ), "goodsid"); if( in_array($set["become_goodsid"], array_keys($order_goods)) && empty($member["agentblack"]) ) { pdo_update("ewei_shop_member", array( "status" => $become_check, "isagent" => 1, "agenttime" => ($become_check == 1 ? $time : 0), "applyagenttime" => 0 ), array( "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $member["id"] )); if( $become_check == 1 ) { $this->sendMessage($openid, array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "agenttime" => $time ), TM_COMMISSION_BECOME); if( !empty($parent) ) { $this->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); if( p("globonus") ) { p("globonus")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } if( p("abonus") ) { p("abonus")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } if( p("author") ) { p("author")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } } } } } } else { // become成为分销商的条件 1申请 2按消费次数 3消费金额 4购买商品 become_order 0为付款后 1为完成后 if( ($set["become"] == 2 || $set["become"] == 3) && empty($set["become_order"]) ) { $time = time(); $parentisagent = true; if( !empty($member["agentid"]) ) { $parent = m("member")->getMember($member["agentid"]); if( empty($parent) || $parent["isagent"] != 1 || $parent["status"] != 1 ) { $parentisagent = false; } } $can = false; // 2按消费次数 if( $set["become"] == "2" ) { $ordercount = pdo_fetchcolumn("select count(*) from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " where openid=:openid and status>=1 and uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":openid" => $openid )); $can = intval($set["become_ordercount"]) <= $ordercount; // 是否达到消费次数 } else { //3消费金额 if( $set["become"] == "3" ) { $moneycount = pdo_fetchcolumn("select sum(og.realprice) from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_goods") . " og left join " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " o on og.orderid=o.id where o.openid=:openid and o.status>=1 and o.uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":openid" => $openid )); $can = floatval($set["become_moneycount"]) <= $moneycount; //是否达到消费总额 } } //如果符合条件 if( $can && empty($member["agentblack"]) ) { pdo_update("ewei_shop_member", array( "status" => $become_check, "isagent" => 1, "agenttime" => $time ), array( "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $member["id"] )); if( $become_check == 1 ) { $this->sendMessage($openid, array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "agenttime" => $time ), TM_COMMISSION_BECOME); if( $parentisagent ) { $this->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); if( p("globonus") ) { p("globonus")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } if( p("abonus") ) { p("abonus")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } if( p("author") ) { p("author")->upgradeLevelByAgent($parent["id"]); } } } } } } } if( !empty($member["agentid"]) ) { $parent = m("member")->getMember($member["agentid"]); if( !empty($parent) && $parent["isagent"] == 1 && $parent["status"] == 1 ) { $order_goods = pdo_fetchall("select g.id,g.title,og.total,og.price,og.realprice, og.optionname as optiontitle,g.noticeopenid,g.noticetype,og.commission1,og.commissions from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_goods") . " og " . " left join " . tablename("ewei_shop_goods") . " g on g.id=og.goodsid " . " where og.uniacid=:uniacid and og.orderid=:orderid ", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":orderid" => $order["id"] )); $goods = ""; $commission_total1 = 0; $commission_total2 = 0; $commission_total3 = 0; $pricetotal = 0; foreach( $order_goods as $og ) { $goods .= "" . $og["title"] . "( "; if( !empty($og["optiontitle"]) ) { $goods .= " 规格: " . $og["optiontitle"]; } $goods .= " 单价: " . $og["realprice"] / $og["total"] . " 数量: " . $og["total"] . " 总价: " . $og["realprice"] . "); "; $commissions = iunserializer($og["commissions"]); $commission_total1 += (isset($commissions["level1"]) ? floatval($commissions["level1"]) : 0); $commission_total2 += (isset($commissions["level2"]) ? floatval($commissions["level2"]) : 0); $commission_total3 += (isset($commissions["level3"]) ? floatval($commissions["level3"]) : 0); $pricetotal += $og["realprice"]; } if( $order["agentid"] == $member["id"] ) { $this->sendMessage($member["openid"], array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "ordersn" => $order["ordersn"], "orderopenid" => $order["openid"], "price" => $pricetotal, "goods" => $goods, "commission1" => $commission_total1, "commission2" => $commission_total2, "commission3" => $commission_total3, "paytime" => $order["paytime"] ), TM_COMMISSION_ORDER_PAY); } else { if( $order["agentid"] == $parent["id"] ) { $this->sendMessage($parent["openid"], array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "ordersn" => $order["ordersn"], "orderopenid" => $order["openid"], "price" => $pricetotal, "goods" => $goods, "commission1" => $commission_total1, "commission2" => $commission_total2, "commission3" => $commission_total3, "paytime" => $order["paytime"] ), TM_COMMISSION_ORDER_PAY); } } if( p("author") && !empty($member["authorid"]) ) { $author = m("member")->getMember($member["authorid"]); if( !empty($author["isauthor"]) && $author["authorstatus"] ) { p("author")->sendMessage($author["openid"], array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "ordersn" => $order["ordersn"], "price" => $pricetotal, "goods" => $goods, "paytime" => $order["paytime"] ), TM_AUTHOR_DOWN_PAY); } } } } if( $isagent ) { $plugin_globonus = p("globonus"); if( !$plugin_globonus ) { return NULL; } $set = $plugin_globonus->getSet(); if( empty($set["open"]) ) { return NULL; } if( $member["ispartner"] ) { return NULL; } $become_check = intval($set["become_check"]); if( intval($set["become"]) == 4 && !empty($set["become_goodsid"]) ) { if( empty($set["become_order"]) ) { $order_goods = pdo_fetchall("select goodsid from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_goods") . " where orderid=:orderid and uniacid=:uniacid ", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":orderid" => $order["id"] ), "goodsid"); if( in_array($set["become_goodsid"], array_keys($order_goods)) && empty($member["partnerblack"]) ) { pdo_update("ewei_shop_member", array( "partnerstatus" => $become_check, "ispartner" => 1, "partnertime" => ($become_check == 1 ? $time : 0) ), array( "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $member["id"] )); if( $become_check == 1 ) { $plugin_globonus->sendMessage($openid, array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "partnertime" => $time ), TM_GLOBONUS_BECOME); } } } } else { if( ($set["become"] == 2 || $set["become"] == 3) && empty($set["become_order"]) ) { $time = time(); $can = false; if( $set["become"] == "2" ) { $ordercount = pdo_fetchcolumn("select count(*) from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " where openid=:openid and status>=1 and uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":openid" => $openid )); $can = intval($set["become_ordercount"]) <= $ordercount; } else { if( $set["become"] == "3" ) { $moneycount = pdo_fetchcolumn("select sum(og.realprice) from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_goods") . " og left join " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " o on og.orderid=o.id where o.openid=:openid and o.status>=1 and o.uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array( ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], ":openid" => $openid )); $can = floatval($set["become_moneycount"]) <= $moneycount; } } if( $can && empty($member["partnerblack"]) ) { pdo_update("ewei_shop_member", array( "partnerstatus" => $become_check, "ispartner" => 1, "partnertime" => $time ), array( "uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"], "id" => $member["id"] )); if( $become_check == 1 ) { $plugin_globonus->sendMessage($openid, array( "nickname" => $member["nickname"], "partnertime" => $time ), TM_GLOBONUS_BECOME); } } } } } } |
public function calculate($orderid = 0, $update = true, $order_agentid = NULL) { global $_W; $set = $this->getSet(); $levels = $this->getLevels(); $order = pdo_fetch("select agentid,price,goodsprice,deductcredit2,discountprice,isdiscountprice,dispatchprice,changeprice,ispackage,packageid,couponprice from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . " where id=:id limit 1", array( ":id" => $orderid )); $commission = m("common")->getPluginset("commission"); if( empty($commission["commissiontype"]) ) { $rate = 1; } else { $numm = $order["goodsprice"] - $order["isdiscountprice"] - $order["discountprice"] - $order["couponprice"]; if( $numm != 0 ) { $rate = ($order["price"] - $order["changeprice"] - $order["dispatchprice"] + $order["deductcredit2"]) / $numm; } else { $rate = 1; } } $agentid = (!is_null($order_agentid) ? $order_agentid : $order["agentid"]); $hascommission = false; if( $order["isparent"] && $order["parentid"] == 0 ) { $parent_sql = "select id from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order") . "where parentid=" . $orderid; $condition = " WHERE og.uniacid=:uniacid"; $param[":uniacid"] = $_W["uniacid"]; $condition .= " AND og.orderid in(" . $parent_sql . ")"; $goods_sql = "select og.id,og.realprice,og.total,g.hasoption,og.goodsid,og.optionid,g.hascommission,g.nocommission, g.commission1_rate,g.commission1_pay,g.commission2_rate,g.commission2_pay,\r\n g.commission3_rate,g.commission3_pay,g.commission,og.commissions,og.seckill,og.seckill_taskid,og.seckill_timeid from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_goods") . " og " . " left join " . tablename("ewei_shop_goods") . " g on g.id = og.goodsid " . $condition; $goods = pdo_fetchall($goods_sql, $param); } else { $goods = pdo_fetchall("select og.id,og.realprice,og.total,g.hasoption,og.goodsid,og.optionid,g.hascommission,g.nocommission, g.commission1_rate,g.commission1_pay,g.commission2_rate,g.commission2_pay,\r\n g.commission3_rate,g.commission3_pay,g.commission,og.commissions,og.seckill,og.seckill_taskid,og.seckill_timeid from " . tablename("ewei_shop_order_goods") . " og " . " left join " . tablename("ewei_shop_goods") . " g on g.id = og.goodsid" . " where og.orderid=:orderid and og.uniacid=:uniacid", array( ":orderid" => $orderid, ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"] )); } if( 0 < $set["level"] ) { foreach( $goods as &$cinfo ) { $price = $cinfo["realprice"] * $rate; $seckill_goods = false; if( $cinfo["seckill"] ) { $seckill_goods = pdo_fetch("select commission1,commission2,commission3 from " . tablename("ewei_shop_seckill_task_goods") . "\r\n where goodsid=:goodsid and optionid =:optionid and taskid=:taskid and timeid=:timeid and uniacid=:uniacid limit 1", array( ":goodsid" => $cinfo["goodsid"], ":optionid" => $cinfo["optionid"], ":taskid" => $cinfo["seckill_taskid"], ":timeid" => $cinfo["seckill_timeid"], ":uniacid" => $_W["uniacid"] )); } if( !empty($seckill_goods) ) { $hascommission = true; $cinfo["commission1"] = array( "default" => (1 <= $set["level"] ? $seckill_goods["commission1"] * $cinfo["total"] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission2"] = array( "default" => (2 <= $set["level"] ? $seckill_goods["commission2"] * $cinfo["total"] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission3"] = array( "default" => (3 <= $set["level"] ? $seckill_goods["commission3"] * $cinfo["total"] : 0) ); foreach( $levels as $level ) { $cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $level["id"]] = $seckill_goods["commission1"] * $cinfo["total"]; $cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $level["id"]] = $seckill_goods["commission2"] * $cinfo["total"]; $cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $level["id"]] = $seckill_goods["commission3"] * $cinfo["total"]; } } else { $goods_commission = (!empty($cinfo["commission"]) ? json_decode($cinfo["commission"], true) : ""); if( empty($cinfo["nocommission"]) ) { $hascommission = true; if( $cinfo["hascommission"] == 1 ) { if( empty($goods_commission["type"]) ) { $cinfo["commission1"] = array( "default" => (1 <= $set["level"] ? (0 < $cinfo["commission1_rate"] ? round(($cinfo["commission1_rate"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : round($cinfo["commission1_pay"] * $cinfo["total"], 2)) : 0) ); $cinfo["commission2"] = array( "default" => (2 <= $set["level"] ? (0 < $cinfo["commission2_rate"] ? round(($cinfo["commission2_rate"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : round($cinfo["commission2_pay"] * $cinfo["total"], 2)) : 0) ); $cinfo["commission3"] = array( "default" => (3 <= $set["level"] ? (0 < $cinfo["commission3_rate"] ? round(($cinfo["commission3_rate"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : round($cinfo["commission3_pay"] * $cinfo["total"], 2)) : 0) ); foreach( $levels as $level ) { $cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $level["id"]] = (0 < $cinfo["commission1_rate"] ? round(($cinfo["commission1_rate"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : round($cinfo["commission1_pay"] * $cinfo["total"], 2)); $cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $level["id"]] = (0 < $cinfo["commission2_rate"] ? round(($cinfo["commission2_rate"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : round($cinfo["commission2_pay"] * $cinfo["total"], 2)); $cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $level["id"]] = (0 < $cinfo["commission3_rate"] ? round(($cinfo["commission3_rate"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : round($cinfo["commission3_pay"] * $cinfo["total"], 2)); } } else { if( empty($cinfo["hasoption"]) ) { $temp_price = array( ); for( $i = 0; $i < $set["level"]; $i++ ) { if( !empty($goods_commission["default"]["option0"][$i]) ) { if( strexists($goods_commission["default"]["option0"][$i], "%") ) { $dd = floatval(str_replace("%", "", $goods_commission["default"]["option0"][$i])); if( 0 < $dd && $dd < 100 ) { $temp_price[$i] = round($dd / 100 * $price, 2); } else { $temp_price[$i] = 0; } } else { $temp_price[$i] = round($goods_commission["default"]["option0"][$i] * $cinfo["total"], 2); } } } $cinfo["commission1"] = array( "default" => (1 <= $set["level"] ? $temp_price[0] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission2"] = array( "default" => (2 <= $set["level"] ? $temp_price[1] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission3"] = array( "default" => (3 <= $set["level"] ? $temp_price[2] : 0) ); foreach( $levels as $level ) { $temp_price = array( ); for( $i = 0; $i < $set["level"]; $i++ ) { if( !empty($goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option0"][$i]) ) { if( strexists($goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option0"][$i], "%") ) { $dd = floatval(str_replace("%", "", $goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option0"][$i])); if( 0 < $dd && $dd < 100 ) { $temp_price[$i] = round($dd / 100 * $price, 2); } else { $temp_price[$i] = 0; } } else { $temp_price[$i] = round($goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option0"][$i] * $cinfo["total"], 2); } } } list($cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $level["id"]], $cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $level["id"]], $cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $level["id"]]) = $temp_price; } } else { $temp_price = array( ); for( $i = 0; $i < $set["level"]; $i++ ) { if( !empty($goods_commission["default"]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i]) ) { if( strexists($goods_commission["default"]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i], "%") ) { $dd = floatval(str_replace("%", "", $goods_commission["default"]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i])); if( 0 < $dd && $dd < 100 ) { $temp_price[$i] = round($dd / 100 * $price, 2); } else { $temp_price[$i] = 0; } } else { $temp_price[$i] = round($goods_commission["default"]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i] * $cinfo["total"], 2); } } } $cinfo["commission1"] = array( "default" => (1 <= $set["level"] ? $temp_price[0] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission2"] = array( "default" => (2 <= $set["level"] ? $temp_price[1] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission3"] = array( "default" => (3 <= $set["level"] ? $temp_price[2] : 0) ); foreach( $levels as $level ) { $temp_price = array( ); for( $i = 0; $i < $set["level"]; $i++ ) { if( !empty($goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i]) ) { if( strexists($goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i], "%") ) { $dd = floatval(str_replace("%", "", $goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i])); if( 0 < $dd && $dd < 100 ) { $temp_price[$i] = round($dd / 100 * $price, 2); } else { $temp_price[$i] = 0; } } else { $temp_price[$i] = round($goods_commission["level" . $level["id"]]["option" . $cinfo["optionid"]][$i] * $cinfo["total"], 2); } } } list($cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $level["id"]], $cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $level["id"]], $cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $level["id"]]) = $temp_price; } } } } else { $cinfo["commission1"] = array( "default" => (1 <= $set["level"] ? round(($set["commission1"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : 0) ); $cinfo["commission2"] = array( "default" => (2 <= $set["level"] ? round(($set["commission2"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : 0) ); $cinfo["commission3"] = array( "default" => (3 <= $set["level"] ? round(($set["commission3"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : 0) ); foreach( $levels as $level ) { $cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $level["id"]] = (1 <= $set["level"] ? round(($level["commission1"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : 0); $cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $level["id"]] = (2 <= $set["level"] ? round(($level["commission2"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : 0); $cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $level["id"]] = (3 <= $set["level"] ? round(($level["commission3"] * $price) / 100, 2) . "" : 0); } } if( 0 < $order["ispackage"] ) { $packoption = array( ); if( !empty($cinfo["optionid"]) ) { $packoption = pdo_fetch("select commission1,commission2,commission3 from " . tablename("ewei_shop_package_goods_option") . "\r\n where uniacid = " . $_W["uniacid"] . " and pid = " . $order["packageid"] . " and optionid = " . $cinfo["optionid"] . " "); } else { $packoption = pdo_fetch("select commission1,commission2,commission3 from " . tablename("ewei_shop_package_goods") . "\r\n where uniacid = " . $_W["uniacid"] . " and pid = " . $order["packageid"] . " and goodsid = " . $cinfo["goodsid"] . " "); } $cinfo["commission1"] = array( "default" => (1 <= $set["level"] ? $packoption["commission1"] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission2"] = array( "default" => (2 <= $set["level"] ? $packoption["commission2"] : 0) ); $cinfo["commission3"] = array( "default" => (3 <= $set["level"] ? $packoption["commission3"] : 0) ); foreach( $levels as $level ) { $cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $level["id"]] = $packoption["commission1"]; $cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $level["id"]] = $packoption["commission2"]; $cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $level["id"]] = $packoption["commission3"]; } } } else { $cinfo["commission1"] = array( "default" => 0 ); $cinfo["commission2"] = array( "default" => 0 ); $cinfo["commission3"] = array( "default" => 0 ); foreach( $levels as $level ) { $cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $level["id"]] = 0; $cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $level["id"]] = 0; $cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $level["id"]] = 0; } } } if( $update ) { $commissions = array( "level1" => 0, "level2" => 0, "level3" => 0 ); if( !empty($agentid) ) { $m1 = m("member")->getMember($agentid); if( $m1["isagent"] == 1 && $m1["status"] == 1 ) { $l1 = $this->getLevel($m1["openid"]); $commissions["level1"] = (empty($l1) ? round($cinfo["commission1"]["default"], 2) : round($cinfo["commission1"]["level" . $l1["id"]], 2)); if( !empty($m1["agentid"]) ) { $m2 = m("member")->getMember($m1["agentid"]); $l2 = $this->getLevel($m2["openid"]); $commissions["level2"] = (empty($l2) ? round($cinfo["commission2"]["default"], 2) : round($cinfo["commission2"]["level" . $l2["id"]], 2)); if( !empty($m2["agentid"]) ) { $m3 = m("member")->getMember($m2["agentid"]); $l3 = $this->getLevel($m3["openid"]); $commissions["level3"] = (empty($l3) ? round($cinfo["commission3"]["default"], 2) : round($cinfo["commission3"]["level" . $l3["id"]], 2)); } } } } //将订单分成信息写入订单表中 pdo_update("ewei_shop_order_goods", array( "commission1" => iserializer($cinfo["commission1"]), "commission2" => iserializer($cinfo["commission2"]), "commission3" => iserializer($cinfo["commission3"]), "commissions" => iserializer($commissions), "nocommission" => $cinfo["nocommission"] ), array( "id" => $cinfo["id"] )); } } unset($cinfo); } if( !$hascommission ) { pdo_update("ewei_shop_order", array( "agentid" => 0 ), array( "id" => $orderid )); } return $goods; } |